## Student Sectioning Solver Configuration File ## Use with CPSolver 1.3 or later ## Name: Student Sectioning Default Configuration ## Date: Fri Oct 03 13:17:07 CEST 2014 ######################################
## General Parameters ###################################### ## Student sectioning termination class ## Type: text Termination.Class=org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition ## Stop when a complete solution if found ## Type: boolean Termination.StopWhenComplete=false ## Maximal solver time (in sec) ## Type: integer Termination.TimeOut=28800 ## Student sectioning solution comparator class ## Type: text Comparator.Class=org.cpsolver.studentsct.weights.PriorityStudentWeights ## Student sectioning value selection class ## Type: text Value.Class=org.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics.EnrollmentSelection ## CBS weight ## Type: double Value.WeightConflicts=1.0 ## Number of past assignments weight ## Type: double Value.WeightNrAssignments=0.0 ## Student sectioning variable selection class ## Type: text Variable.Class=org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection ## Student sectioning neighbour selection class ## Type: text Neighbour.Class=org.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics.StudentSctNeighbourSelection ## Save best even when no complete solution is found ## Type: integer General.SaveBestUnassigned=0 ## Use student distance conflicts ## Type: boolean StudentSct.StudentDist=true ## Use conflict-based statistics ## Type: boolean StudentSct.CBS=true ## Load real student requests ## Type: boolean Load.IncludeCourseDemands=true ## Load last-like course demands (deprecated) ## Type: boolean Load.IncludeLastLikeStudents=false ## Section limit constraint: favour unassignment of last-like course requests ## Type: boolean SectionLimit.PreferDummyStudents=true ## Last-like student request weight ## Type: double Student.DummyStudentWeight=0.01 ## Branch&bound: If true, section penalties (instead of section values) are minimized ## Type: boolean Neighbour.BranchAndBoundMinimizePenalty=false ## Branch&bound: Timeout for each neighbour selection (in milliseconds) ## Type: integer Neighbour.BranchAndBoundTimeout=5000 ## Random Unassignment: Probability of a random selection of a student ## Type: double Neighbour.RandomUnassignmentProb=0.5 ## Random Unassignment: Probability of a random selection of a problematic student ## Type: double Neighbour.RandomUnassignmentOfProblemStudentProb=0.9 ## Student Swap: Timeout for each neighbour selection (in milliseconds) ## Type: integer Neighbour.SwapStudentsTimeout=5000 ## Student Swap: Limit for the number of considered values for each course request ## Type: integer Neighbour.SwapStudentsMaxValues=100 ## Backtrack: Limit on the number of enrollments to be visited of each course request ## Type: integer Neighbour.MaxValues=100 ## Backtrack: Timeout for each neighbour selection (in milliseconds) ## Type: integer Neighbour.BackTrackTimeout=5000 ## Backtrack: Search depth ## Type: integer Neighbour.BackTrackDepth=4 ## More precise (but slower) computation of enrollments of a course request while skipping enrollments with the same times ## Type: boolean CourseRequest.SameTimePrecise=true ## Use time overlaps ## Type: boolean StudentSct.TimeOverlaps=true ## Tweak class limits to fit all enrolled students ## Type: boolean Load.TweakLimits=false ## Allow over limit for individual reservations ## Type: boolean Reservation.CanAssignOverTheLimit=true
## Student Weitghts ###################################### ## Priority ## Type: double StudentWeights.Priority=0.5010 ## First alternative ## Type: double StudentWeights.FirstAlternative=0.5010 ## Second alternative ## Type: double StudentWeights.SecondAlternative=0.2510 ## Distance conflict ## Type: double StudentWeights.DistanceConflict=0.0100 ## Time overlap ## Type: double StudentWeights.TimeOverlapFactor=0.5000 ## Time overlap limit ## Type: double StudentWeights.TimeOverlapMaxLimit=0.5000 ## Section balancing ## Type: double StudentWeights.BalancingFactor=0.0050 ## Alternative request (equal weights) ## Type: double StudentWeights.AlternativeRequestFactor=0.1260 ## Spread leftover weight equaly ## Type: boolean StudentWeights.LeftoverSpread=false ## Projected student request ## Type: double StudentWeights.ProjectedStudentWeight=0.0100
## Other Properties ###################################### # Number of solver threads Parallel.NrSolvers=4 # Anonymize XML file (no names) Xml.ShowNames=false # Use priority weighting StudentWeights.Class=org.cpsolver.studentsct.weights.PriorityStudentWeights # Extensions: CBS + distance conflicts + time overlaps Extensions.Classes=org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.StudentConflictStatistics;org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.DistanceConflict;org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.TimeOverlapsCounter # Distance ellipsoid # Type: enum(LEGACY,WGS84,GRS80,Airy1830,Intl1924,Clarke1880,GRS67) Distances.Ellipsoid=LEGACY